As computer scientists we often prefer to explain

 Computer vision is the ability of computers to process visual information, including images and videos. We can use computers to help detect signs of disease, understand human movements, and more. However, these applications also highlight one of the biggest potential challenges of AI and computer vision: perception.


Perception is the process by which a computer “sees” the world around it. Humans have two eyes and an additional sensor called the nose that allows us to “smell” the world. A computer without a nose or other sensory organs would be unable to “see” the world as we do.

Many tasks that computers can perform already require human communication, such as “seeing” road signs and street names. However, AI and computer vision can also help solve more complex problems, such as “seeing” objects in a room and identifying them by their features.


Disadvantages of Machine Learning


As our understanding of the world grows ever more complex, it becomes increasingly difficult to know the truth. To discover the truth, we must be

willing to question our assumptions and reach conclusions based on limited data. With machine learning, this process can be simplified through the introduction of “black-box” algorithms.


Black box algorithms are algorithms that don’t explain why they’re computing a certain result, but simply output a “yes/no” answer without explanation. As computer scientists, we often prefer to explain why we make certain choices, but machine learning algorithms are “black-box” by design. While researchers can attempt to explain why certain decisions are made, the computer does not necessarily understand why – it only knows the “yes/no” answer.




In this article, we took a look at some of how science and technology affect us today and explored the concerns and opportunities for change. We saw that technology has a lot to offer, but also that there are some risks associated with it.

With the growth of technology, people have also

grown more reliant on it. With the push toward digital communication and delivery, people have also become more reliant on their technology. However, this article is not about whether or not we should be using technology, but about what impact it has on our lives and our perception of the world.


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